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  6 v 6 Co-ed - Rosters up to 10 Players

Mount Ellis Fall Volleyball Monday Nights A and B players

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Co-ed League
- Grab your friends and form a team as Co-ed Adult Indoor Volleyball is now available. We will have 7 weeks of regular season games & one-week playoff.
-Games are at 8 and 9p.m
-This is A and B level Play

A-Level (Advanced)
Skill Level: Highly skilled and experienced players.
Gameplay: Fast-paced with strong offensive and defensive plays. Players have excellent ball control, consistent serving, and strong attacking skills. Positioning and strategy are highly developed.
Team Dynamics: Well-coordinated teamwork with set plays and quick adjustments.
B-Level (Intermediate)
Skill Level: Competent players with a good understanding of the game.
Gameplay: Solid fundamentals with occasional advanced plays. Players can pass, set, and hit with decent consistency. Serving is generally reliable, and players can execute basic strategies.
Team Dynamics: Good communication and teamwork, but with some variability in performance.

- Minimum of 2 ladies on court at all time
- Individual - Free Agent
If you are new to town and looking to meet people within the community this is a great avenue to facilitate connection.

9.2, 9.9, 9.16, 9.23, 9.30, 10.7, 10.14, 10.21

8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

  6 v 6 Co-ed - Rosters up to 10 Players

Mount Ellis Fall Volleyball Wednesday Nights B and C players

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Co-ed League
- Grab your friends and form a team as Co-ed Adult Indoor Volleyball is now available. We will have 7 weeks of regular season games & one-week playoff.
-Games are at 8 and 9p.m
-This is B and C level Play
- Minimum of 2 ladies on court at all time
- Individual - Free Agent

B-Level (Intermediate)
Skill Level: Competent players with a good understanding of the game.
Gameplay: Solid fundamentals with occasional advanced plays. Players can pass, set, and hit with decent consistency. Serving is generally reliable, and players can execute basic strategies.
Team Dynamics: Good communication and teamwork, but with some variability in performance.
C-Level (Beginner/Intermediate)
Skill Level: Beginner to lower-intermediate players.
Gameplay: Focused on learning and improving basic skills like passing, serving, and hitting. Gameplay is slower, with more emphasis on developing consistency and understanding the rules.
Team Dynamics: Simple plays and strategies, with a focus on participation and fun rather than competition.

If you are new to town and looking to meet people within the community this is a great avenue to facilitate connection.

9.4, 9.11, 9.18, 9.25, 10.2, 10.9, 10.16, 10.23

8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

  4v4 Females - Rosters up to 10 Players

Women's Fours Volleyball Tuesday Wilson

  • Locations: Wilson Gym
  • • Day: Tuesday • Starts: 10/15
    Deadline: 10/1
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The Women's Fours Volleyball League, Indoor Edition.

- Grab your friends and form a team. We will have 7 weeks of regular season games & one-week playoff.

-Games are at 6,7, 8 or 9 p.m.

-All levels of Play welcomed

- Individual - Free Agent
If you are new to town and looking to meet people within the community this is a great avenue to facilitate connection.

10.15, 10.22, 10.29, 11.5, 11.12, 11.19, 11.26, 12.3

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM, 9:00 PM

  6 v 6 Co-ed - Rosters up to 10 Players

Wilson Gym Wed Rec Level October 16th

  • Locations: Wilson Gym
  • • Day: Wednesday • Starts: Wednesday, October 16
    Deadline: Sunday, October 6
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Co-ed League
- Grab your friends and form a team as Co-ed Adult Indoor Volleyball is now available. We will have 7 weeks of regular season games & one-week playoff.
-Games are at 6 7 & 8
-This is Rec and intermittent level.
- Minimum of 2 ladies on court at all time
- Individual - Free Agent
If you are new to town and looking to meet people within the community this is a great avenue to facilitate connection.

10.16, 10.23, 10.30, 11.6, 11.13, 11.20, 12.4, 12.18

6:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 8:00 PM

2021 Fall Ball
Photo Gallery
3 photos
Overtime Sports
820 bald eagle
Bozeman, MT 59715
(337) 322-0927